Your Dollars Should Make Sense
On Oct. 11th Harris County, Republican Commissioners pulled a political stunt that could put you, our precinct and Harris County at large at risks. The two made the decision to skip a Commissioners Court meeting resulting in a denial of the court’s ability to settle on a tax rate that will impact you for next year. This move blocks Harris County from being able to do what most other large-population Texas counties have recently done in addressing neglect by previous Republican leaders and and tackle financial mandates created by the state.all of which has to do with flood mitigation
With Tropical Storm Imelda recently affecting Harris county residents, we are being reminded of the inaction and lack of concern felt by these “do-nothing” politicians.

Hurricane Harvey alone left many Harris County homeowners and businesses with major, unprecedented damage. In addition to the widespread property loss, many of Harris counties flood related disasters since then have had huge implications on finances and taxes. Here’s a quick look at the numbers:
More than 50,000 flood insurance claims ($2.9 billion)
More than 100 small business loans ($1.2 billion)
177,600 individual assistance approvals ($4.8 billion)
These numbers could have been significantly reduced had proper protocols been taken to protect the citizens of Harris County. Harris County residents cant wait for another disaster like Harvey to act. Its important that they have a voice in where their taxes are being spent – especially in regards to flooding!
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